Did you know Backeum runs on Radix.
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Meet Backeum!

Hi folks,

If you're here, you're catching the first glimpse of something we've been quietly putting together in our little corner of the internet: Backeum.

What's Backeum All About?

Watching the incredible radvocates over at the Radix community, relentlessly building, educating, and being passionate about decentralized finance. It was something special. That's where Backeum comes in. It's a humble attempt to craft a place where people like you and me can chip in, build, and encourage each other.

When Will the Backeum dApp Launch?

Good question! We're just putting the final touches on the dApp as we speak. It's shaping up nicely, and we're genuinely excited about what we've built. Once we've polished up the last few bits, we'd love to get some creators on board early.

If you're someone who's involved with the Radix community or if you create content, crafts, or anything cool. Really – we'd love to hear from you. Reach out, and we'll make sure you get a front-row seat, being among the very first to set up a profile on Backeum.

Keeping It Real

From day one, we wanted Backeum to feel like a friendly neighborhood cafe - no flashy signs, just good vibes. We hope you'll find down-to-earth interactions here. Just genuine folks, appreciating sincere efforts.

A Bit About NFTs Here

You've probably heard about NFTs. On Backeum, they're a bit like those "thank you" cards we used to get as kids. Creators give them out to say "thanks" to anyone who supports them. And they've got a bit of personal flair, which we think is pretty cool.

Oh, And They're in the Radix Wallet

If you pick up any of these NFTs, you'll find them in your Radix Wallet. Easy to find, safe, sound, and truly yours.

Come Hang Out

We're just getting started, and we'd love for you to be part of this. You're welcome here if you make cool stuff or love cheering people on.

Big thanks to those who've been with us from the start. And if you're new - hey, welcome! Let's make this a place for everyone.

Be sure to join our socials to prepare for the dApp launch.




Catch you soon!